Thursday, July 07, 2005

Evolution? Fact or fiction?

Here's some things I've been conisdering about evolution. Questions I never did get around to asking when confronted with a teacher high on a "Evoltuion is fact" kick...

Q1. It's been proven time and time again that a chaotic system can only produce chaos. When talking about the "big bang" how does order arise from a chaotic system?

Q2. Law of Biogenesis states that life only comes from life. With that in mind, it is impossible for life to have emerged from some protein/aminio acid mix. is offering a cash reward for anyone who can prove through scientific research that evoltion is a science and is true.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Last week, went to Jacksonville, FL

Not really the happening place like Panama City Beach, but Mrs Q & I had much fun there. Mrs Q and I work for the same bank and the tellers and CSM's she works with are in Jacksonville. She got to meet several of 'em and they all knew who I was (I work for the bank's tech support dept so I talk to EVERYONE in the bank) and we both had a blast.

We also went to a Jacksonville Suns minor league baseball game. It was employee appreciation night there and we got to meet even more employees.

Friday we visited St Augustine. It is the oldest city in the USA. Very beautiful city. Glad we visited that Friday because they were planning their gay pride day for Sat & Sun. Rainbow flags were all over the bridges. *shudders*

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against those who are homosexual. Personally, I cannot see how one man can be aroused with another man's hairy rear end. I just can't see it.

Hurricane Allison was coming up the state so we cut our trip early and left Sat morning. We drove through some slight wind and heavy rain in patches but nothing serious.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Well this is a kick in the groin!

Mrs Quark's friend from way back called this morning to tell her she is pregnant. She already has 3 kids already.

This really bites. We've been trying our butts off to have a kid and with no luck. Yet everyone else can just put their ankles behind their ears and have a kid whether they want one or not. And then, adoption costs are SUPER expensive and abortion clinics are murdering babies who whould be more than wanted and welcome in our home.

The world sucks, but I will continue to praise the Lord.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

comments on infertility

Mrs Q and I are trying to have a child. We tried naturally for about a year with no luck. We went to a fertility specialist and tried artificial insemination but with no success.

On one hand, I feel like going to them for assistance is like dropping $400 into a slot machine with for only one pull at the handle. It gives you a chance for a child but no 100% guarantee. Money is too tight to keep on with this crap. Not sure on where to go on this.

Monday, April 25, 2005

A bloggin I will go.....

Well, this is my first web log I've ever done. I'm not sure what all I'll write. I guess I'll just wing it as I go.